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Ultimate Mission Blog

Where does the health of a village begin?

With the children.

Ruthamma using a MUAC tape to check for proper growth.
Ruthamma using a MUAC tape to check for proper growth.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), the health of a child in the first 5 years of life are strong indicators of his/her life as they grow into adulthood. Stunting (impaired growth) in those early years – particularly in the first 1000 days from conception until the age of two – can have significant consequences for the child.  Not just physical consequences, either.  They are more likely to have trouble in school, which can lead to low paying jobs as an adult, which can hinder the village’s (dare I say, the world’s?) productivity.

In 2012, the World Health Assembly (WHA) set global goals for 2025 to help reduce childhood stunting.  At that time approximately 162 million children under the age of 5 were said to have stunted growth.  And while there has been a decline in the numbers (as of 2022, 148 million children still are affected with stunted growth) the progress is insufficient to reach the 2025 goal of only 100 million children who are affected.

With your support, Ultimate Mission is facing this challenge head on.  Your donations allow us to create curriculum and provide training that directly combats this problem.  We are training  women on proper nutrition and hygiene before, during, and after pregnancy, and we are teaching mothers how to keep their babies alive with nutritious foods, clean water, and good hygiene – but not just alive! We are teaching them how to thrive!

This is where you are changing the world.

Thank you for your continued support.


Jim Reynolds Ultimate Mission
May 03, 2024

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